Saturday, January 23, 2010

Eagle Camp 2010 Info

From: Angela Bolden []
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 5:21 PM
To: 'Joe Hale'
Subject: FW: Eagle Camp 2010 Info





Registration for Eagle Camp 2010 is open to scouts now. I have already had several parents and scouts inquiring about how to apply. Interested scouts should download the registration forms from the Eagle Camp Web Site   We will only have a Spring Eagle Camp this year. Our program and the camp have limits. We are accepting COMPLETE applications for Eagle Camp on a first come, first served basis. Incomplete applications will not “reserve” a space. We will return payment checks for all participants that do not qualify. Remember the rates change on 15 Feb.


§  Prerequisites for Eagle Camp are:

§  First Class Scout

§  Have attended two or more summer camps

§  Age 13 or above by January 1, 2010

§  Completed application with scout written essay

§  2010 Form Physical Current through the end of camp

§  Recommendation of your scoutmaster


Common questions about Eagle Camp:

When is Eagle Camp? Eagle Camp is being planned for the week of Apr 5 to 10 at the FFA Camp near Bert Adams.


What Merit Badges are offered? The list of Merit Badges is never finalized until the last minute. This is so we can maximize the program for the scouts. We look at what the participants already have, what they request, and what we have the resources (instructors and equipment) to teach properly.


Can I attend Eagle Camp only once? I have had many scouts ask if they can attend Eagle Camp a second time. The answer is yes, we have had scouts attend a second time, and still earn new Merit Badges. Every year, we change the program slightly. Every year, we find different instructors. Every year, we learn from the previous year.


I have almost all of my Core Merit Badges, should I attend Eagle Camp? The question of whether you should attend Eagle Camp is a personal choice. We will have at least one elective merit badge scheduled for each session that we offer a core merit badge. We attempt to find which merit badges would benefit the most scouts. Last year, we had four Eagle Scouts attend. They earned a total of 15 new Merit Badges.


How can a scout earn 6 to 9 Merit Badges in one week? Many factors contribute to making Eagle Camp participants successful.

We get quality Adult Merit Badge Counselors. Last year most of the counselors had years of experience teaching Merit Badges and those new to the program had expertise in their subject area as a profession. We partner-up these instructors with an experienced scouter and teach the classes.

The scouts are asked to complete prerequisites prior to camp. They are also given incomplete packets to take home and complete before Spring Camporee. This is the difference between Complete Merit Badges and Partial Merit Badges.

We offer more opportunities; we give scouts “lab time” to complete their requirements without hanging out at the trading post all day. Last year when the woodshop was supposed to close after dinner. I ended up chasing out 10 to 15 dedicated scouts over an hour later than scheduled.

The scouts who choose to attend Eagle Camp are driven. We set high standards and the scouts have high expectations. The schedule is demanding, but the scouts work together during the entire week, and take pride in their accomplishments.

Hard Work. Ask ANY attendee of prior Eagle Camps. The scouts work hard for 7 straight days. This is not Summer Camp.


At this time, we are also actively recruiting both adult and youth staff. Adult staff (Scouters) is necessary and we will gratefully accept whatever time you have to offer.  Options are one week, three days, two days, or one day, they all work and here’s why. A merit badge counselor will be able to attend, teach, participate or learn as desired.  An adult will be able to attend a course and probably become qualified to offer the merit badge for their troop. All adults are required to have Youth Protection Training (YPT) that is available on-line.  All adults must be registered as official merit badge counselors. We could always use extra help behind the scenes grading packets or with other administrative tasks.


Please visit the site for more information and for the request for admission forms to sign up for Eagle Camp. The email address for questions is




Dhunjishah H. Bharucha

Director, Communications

Eagle Camp 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

Kyron - Eagle Project

Subject: Kyron - Eagle Project

Hello. This is Kyron from our Troop 206 and as some of you may know, I am currently working on my Eagle Scout Project. I must complete the project by January 31st, which is my 18th birthday. Thankfully, I have already gotten a jump start on the project, but there is still much more to do.
For my Eagle Scout Project, I must lead a group of scouts and my peers to improve a section of a trail that runs between Roswell City Hall and the Smith Plantation House. Improving the trial includes, cleaning it up, installing a storm drain to redirect water flow, installing information posts, and hanging bird feeders. Tomorrow, Monday the 18th, I am installing the storm drain and thankfully I have a handful of people that are coming out and helping me with that. I will be working tomorrow right after the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Service around 10:30/11:00 am and ending around 2:30/3:00pm.
So far, I have Justin, Jeremiah, Julian, Sylvester, Jonathan, and Abe to come help me tomorrow, the 18th. If you can help tomorrow, that would be great; however, I definitely need a few more scouts on Tuesday at 4:30pm. On Tuesday, the 19th, I am building and installing the information posts. Tuesday's work day should not take long considering that we are only screwing wooden pieces together and placing the posts into the ground with some concrete. The more people I have, the smoother it will go and the less time it will take. If you want to contact me you can reach me on my cell.
On a final note, I am also working on Wednesday, the 20th, with the cub scouts and we are hanging bird feeders. I am also working on Monday, the 25th of January to finish the work on the trail. Any of the days you can come out I will be thankful for because earning my Eagle Scout Award means a great deal to my mother, the troop, my family and friends, and most importantly, me. Again, if you have any questions, or if you can come out and help
. Thank You, and hope you all have a Blessed Week.


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